Xliffie Glossaries

Xliffie comes with 2 types of glossaries. They are both based on the official glossaries Apple provided.

Built-in glossaries for 38 locales.

These are small glossaries that come with the app, including common terms like Cancel, Open, Help, etc. You don’t have to download anything, just start editing and should see them appearing as suggestions.

External glossaries

Larger external glossary databases can be downloaded inside the app. It’s mostly the same as AppleLocalization.com, except it’s packed as SQLite databases by locale, with some irrelevant data filtered.

Open the glossary databases window by clicking the “Glossaries” toolbar item, or “Translate → Glossary Databases…” in the menubar.

You can download the available databases by clicking the “+” button.

The code that generated these databases is opensourced, thanks you Kishikawa Katsumi for the original work.

You can also download these databases directly, Click here for a complete list.